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GitHub - Genivia/ugrep: 🔍NEW ugrep 4.2: an ultra-fast, user-friendly grep replacement. Ugrep combines the best features of other grep, adds new things, and surpasses their search speeds. Includes a TUI, boolean queries (AND/OR/NOT), fuzzy search, hexdumps, searches nested archives (cpio/tar/pax/zip), compressed files (zip/gz/Z/bz2/lzma/xz/lz4/zstd), pdfs, docs, and more

Saturday 23 September 2023 at 21:08

« Ugrep is like grep, but faster, user-friendly, and equipped with a ton of new features. Ugrep's features and speed beat GNU grep, Silver Searcher, ack, sift, and ripgrep in almost all benchmarks. »
