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The Best Linux Blog In the Unixverse sur Twitter : "Oracle buys Sun: Solaris Unix, Sun servers/workstation, and MySQL went to /dev/null. IBM buys Red Hat: CentOS is going to >/dev/null. Note to self: If a big vendor such as Oracle, IBM, MS, and others buys your fav software, start the migration procedure ASAP." / Twitter

Wednesday 9 December 2020 at 11:02

« Oracle buys Sun: Solaris Unix, Sun servers/workstation, and MySQL went to /dev/null.
IBM buys Red Hat: CentOS is going to >/dev/null.
Note to self: If a big vendor such as Oracle, IBM, MS, and others buys your fav software, start the migration procedure ASAP. »

Oh merde. C'est vrai, en plus. ><
