Moovida + Ati Remote + Lirc

Some help about setting up moovida with ati remote wonder and lirc.

Moovida is a great piece of software, but the documentation is pretty…  hidden.

The best way to get your ati remote recognised by lirc, is to start with Mythbuntu (this release install lirc by default).

Then, follow these instructions (inspired and adapted from :

1. Blacklist ati_remote by adding the line “blacklist ati_remote in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
2. Unplug the IR receiver
3. Plug in the USB receiver back in
4. Type in “lsmod | grep -i ati”. The output should look something like this:

lirc_atiusb            21408  0
lirc_dev               18548  1 lirc_atiusb

“lirc_atiusb” is the module for the ATI USB Wonder remote

5. Copy the contents of the example lircd.conf config file below to /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
6. Restart lirc from a terminal window with the following command:

/etc/init.d/lirc restart

7. Verify it is running. This should return a line with “lircd” in it besides the ‘grep’ line

ps -ef | grep lircd

8. Run “irw” from a terminal and press any button on your remote. If the mappings are correct, you should see output for each button you press.

9. Restart the machine.

Ok, now your remote controller is configured, you need to generate a map of keys specific to your remote ati..

0. sudo su

1.  cd /usr/share/pyshared/elisa/plugins/lirc/

2.  wget

3. patch -p0 < ./elisa-plugins-lirc-safe-setup_lirc.patch3 (you probably need to give the right path to

4. python map_files/ (and follow the wizard)

Ok, now you need to tweak moovida with configuration

1. pico  ~/.moovida/moovida.conf

2. your lirc config in this file should be like this :

# the lirc deamon device
device = ‘/dev/lircd’
# Time in seconds to wait before taking intoaccount a first repeated input
# event.
repeat_delay = ‘0.5’
# Path to the file containing the lirc mapping
input_map = ‘/usr/share/pyshared/elisa/plugins/lirc/map_files/’
Ok, now add a bit of code to avoid double key events when you press a touch on your remote controller

1. pico  /usr/share/pyshared/elisa/plugins/lirc/

2. search for “def _got_event(self, hex_key, repeat, key_value, remote)”
3. add :
def _got_event(self, hex_key, repeat, key_value, remote)
repeat = int(repeat, 16)
if repeat % 3 != 0:


now = time.time()
if key_value == self._first_key_value:
# skip first repeat for a certain amount of time
if (now – self._first_key_time) < self.repeat_delay: return

Ok, you can test moovida with “moovida” command.

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