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And the prize for LEAST SECURE BROWSER goes to ... Chrome! • The Register

Thursday 26 March 2015 at 10:24

« More vulnerabilities were reported in Chrome last year than any other core software according to research which also found 2014 clocked record numbers of zero day flaws. »
On peut arrêter de dire que Chrome est le navigateur le plus sécurisé ? Merci.
Votez Firefox !


Error happened ! 0 - SQLite3::exec(): database disk image is malformed In: /home/dotmanacac/dotmana/streisand/sebsauvage/index.php:341 #0 [internal function]: exception_error_handler(2, 'SQLite3::exec()...', '/home/dotmanaca...', 341, Array) #1 /home/dotmanacac/dotmana/streisand/sebsauvage/index.php(341): SQLite3->exec('UPDATE search S...') #2 /home/dotmanacac/dotmana/streisand/sebsauvage/index.php(440): VroumVroum_Blog->insertOrUpdateArticle('https://sebsauv...', 'Enfys J. Book [...', '', 1738875030, 'THE FUCK.\nDonc ...') #3 /home/dotmanacac/dotmana/streisand/sebsauvage/index.php(792): VroumVroum_Blog->update() #4 {main}