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The tremendous ethical and methodological flaws in the Raoult clinical trial: analysis, by Olivier Berruyer

Wednesday 15 April 2020 at 18:28

We provide you today with a scientific analysis of the trial on chloroquine conducted by Raoult, Gautret & al. , and which was widely covered by the press two weeks ago, something which has triggered the current controversy.

This is the translation of this article, originally in French. Our apologies for the possible typos…

I. Outline of the article

We will show in this article that the ethical and methodological flaws of the Raoult/Gautret trial made it impossible to interpret its results.

Lire la suite

Source: https://www.les-crises.fr/the-tremendous-ethical-and-methodological-flaws-in-the-raoult-clinical-trial-analysis-by-olivier-berruyer/