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RatShack on "WPC No Ghost ROM Patch"

Monday 5 February 2018 at 23:54

Quoted from Chet:I would like to patch the game L-5 ROM for my Getaway. I downloaded the patch program and unzipped it on my windows 10 PC. I downloaded and unzipped the unmodded L-5 ROM. I understand I have to use the command prompt in windows to run the .exe patch file, but I am stuck and cannot...


Jimmyapple on "Official TRON lovefest thread, I love it more than Lightning Kitty."

Monday 5 February 2018 at 23:53

Question for everyone. Does anyone have the rules of all the times when the flasher under the Flinns sign comes on? Mine comes on sometimes and I’m not quite sure why. Just trying to figure it out for each scenario and what it ties to. Understand sos. Thanks.


vid1900 on "Bands that should have Died Sooner"

Monday 5 February 2018 at 23:53

The band that got the 2nd most votes was Aerosmith. A great Rock n Blues band that completely jumped the shark in the 80s, becoming power ballad slush. Aerosmith (1973) Get Your Wings (1974) Toys in the Attic (1975) Rocks (1976) Draw the Line (1977) Night in the Ruts (1979) ...


hAbO on "No rainbow puke club! (Post pics of worst color gi fails)"

Monday 5 February 2018 at 23:53

Quoted from mbaumle:On a scale from the Titanic to 9/11, how terrible are these? Quoted from TheLaw:Waco tumblr_n8835zWMPR1re204ao5_r1_1280 (resized).png


fosaisu on "*SPOILERS* Star Wars: The Last Jedi is really bad *SPOILERS*"

Monday 5 February 2018 at 23:52

Quoted from gdonovan:ouch. Still like the music, the actor ALMOST looks the part but dialog and the guys voice... yikes. Bad dialog and a voice not even close to Harrison Ford's is painful. Would have been off not having any of his dialog at all in the trailer. Maybe they can hire Harrison Ford to o...


steve45 on "Pin2DMD colorization of....... Baywatch!"

Monday 5 February 2018 at 23:52

Enhanced the editor layout, so that preview makes use of all remaining space. Hope it fits on everybodys screen. Find the new version here: Thx Steve Pin2dmd_Editor-new-layout (resized).jpg


Syco54645 on "For sale: Bram Stoker's Dracula Very Nice - Trade for TRON?"

Monday 5 February 2018 at 23:52

Quoted from snyper2099:I still don't understand why the LEDs even matter when considering a machine for purchase. Why comment if you like them or not in a FS thread? They are fairly easy to change back to incandescent or, whatever else lighting you prefer. In other game discussion threads, it's f...


trueno92 on "F14 odd flasher problem - kicker/sling trigger?"

Monday 5 February 2018 at 23:52

Hey jack! I moved on since Snow Derby. Yes the lower inlane guides had a flasher under it that goes off on kicker slingshot coil activation... im gonna trace some wire wheb I get home but the fan fare stuff seems to light the bulbs up just fine so I'm at a loss for what to look for on this... prett...


per3per3 on "What's FS in Maryland,Va,DC,Pa,De right now ? Md and surrounding area FS Thread."

Monday 5 February 2018 at 23:52

Alright folks, it looks like I need to sell a few machines to free up some space...sad I know but it's gotta happen. That said, I am leaning towards selling my super nice ToM at a minimum, and likely one of my other 3 machines. I haven't decided just yet on which other one...I really love all of m...


Mk1Mod0 on "Star Gazer Club"

Sunday 4 February 2018 at 23:57

I see what y'all are saying. As I said, I only gave it a cursory glance and saw what appeared to be alternate mounting holes in the early mech. Doesn't much matter now anyways, one of the fine Pinsiders in this thread has offered me a spare mech of his and I graciously accepted. I love this place. S...


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